10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Eating Carrots

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Eating Carrots Photo by David Vázquez on Unsplash carrots are one of the most popular vegetable and can be eaten raw or cooked. besides adding taste to your soup carrots provide many health benefits 1. vision it is a common knowledge that carrots are good for the eyes. carrots are packed with beta-carotene which is the precursor of vitamin A. our liver converts beta-carotene into vitamin A. and later vitamin A is transformed into rhodopsin. also, beta-carotene prevents macular degeneration. 2. prevents cancer many studies have shown that carrots reduce the risk of colon, lung and breast cancer. carrots produce a chemical compound Falcarinol to prevent its roots getting the fungal infection, this natural fungicide has anti-cancerous properties. 3. anti-aging beta-carotene is an antioxidant, and we already know antioxidants slow down the ageing process of the cells...